Thursday, November 30, 2006

Pretty Good Combobox HTML Implementation

I saw this a couple months ago and love it. It is a drop down that you can enter text directly in. Pretty clever, they used CSS to put a textbox on top of a drop down. Then using a little JavaScript, the two become one.

Here's the link:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

News About Programmer Jobs

I read in the October 16, 2006th copy of Information Week, that jobs for coders is starting to stabilize. The article has a dark view on this news, mainly because the amount of jobs is not going up. However, I see it differently. Overall, since 2000, the number of employed programmers has dropped about 200,000. While the number of people who considered themselves programmers, has dropped as well. I started my professional career in 1998 as a Java developer for an IT consulting firm. We got torn to shreds when the dot com crash of 2000/2001 hit. I was one of the lucky ones who managed to stay employed. I saw a lot of friends out of work. Every year it seemed like things were getting worse.

So, now, with the programming jobs becoming more stable, things look much better. I would rather that the jobs remain stable, then go down hill. The article lists updating legacy systems, customizing apps, and writing new apps as positions where developers are in high demand. One thing is certain though, technological progress will continue, therefore, programmers, and software engineers, will always be needed.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Reading Files With ColdFusion, or Java???

One project I was on, not to long ago, consisted of transferring a datafile between 2 systems. Unfortunately, this datafile wasn't XML. It was a pipped delimited file of product records. The main purpose of this file was to sync up data between the two systems. Therefore, I needed to read the file, line by line, parse out each field of the file, and compare it with current records in the database. Since the language of choice for this particular project was ColdFusion, I was encouraged to keep with the standard.

Being a Java guy, with some php and perl background, I knew I could adapt. But how can I make this as efficient as possible. The app server we were using was ColdFusion version 6.1. So, I know I had options. At least it wasn't version 5 or below, like some other organizations who shall remain nameless.

Anyway, ColdFusion has a tag called <cffile>. This tag is nice and easy to use. However, it has one main drawback to it. It holds the entire file in memory at once. It might not seem like a problem, but I am talking about somewhere around 200,000 records. With each record containing 80 fields. That can make the application more prone to memory errors. Especially, if this is a user requested job, and not a scheduled job.

However, the standard Java development kit has the FileReader, used with a BufferedReader, that can stream the file, line by line. So, I figured I'd give it a try. I started by comparing the two methods of file reading. I wrote a sample ColdFusion page which would read the file in and compare the time it takes to read/process the file using the <CFFile>, and the Java FileReader methods. I started with a small file, containing 200 records. Then moved up to a file with 25,000 records. The code is as follows:
Using cffile:
<cfset filePath = "./DataFile200Records.txt">
<cffile action="read" file="#filePath#" variable="fileContents">

Using CFFile<br>
<cfloop index="line" list="#fileContents#" delimiters="#Chr(10)#">
<!--- Account for empty values --->
<cfset newline = " " & Replace(line, "||", " | | ", "all") & " ">
<!--- Convert the pipped delimited list to an Array --->
<cfset fieldArray = listtoarray(newline,"|")>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arraylen(fieldArray)#">
<!--- Loop through each field --->
<!-- #fieldArray[i]# *** -->
End:#now()#<br> <!--- End Timestamp --->

Using Java FileReader:
Start:<cfoutput >#now()#</cfoutput><br><!--- Start Timestamp --->
// create a FileReader and BufferedReader objects
fileReader = createObject("java","");
buffReader = createObject("java","");

// Instantiate the FileReader with the file path

// Instantiate the BufferedReader with the fileReader Object

// read the first line into a String
fileLine = buffReader.readLine();

// Loop while the String is defined
while (isDefined("fileLine")) {
// Account for empty values
newline = " " & Replace(fileLine, "||", " | | ", "all") &amp;amp;amp;amp; " ";
// Convert the pipped delimited list to an Array
fieldArray = listtoarray(newline,"|");
for (i = 1; i lt arraylen(fieldArray); i = i+1)
// Loop through each field
writeOutput("<!--" & fieldArray[i] & " *** -->");
// read the next line to continue the loop
fileLine = buffReader.readLine();

// close the Reader objects
End:<cfoutput >#now()#</cfoutput><!--- End Timestamp --->
Essentially, each section of code is doing the same thing. It reads the file, line by line. Parses the fields, including empty fields. And it loops through each field, displaying it as an HTML comment. The main difference is that the Java FileReader and BufferedReader objects have to be closed when they are no longer needed. You always want to close a Streamed object, otherwise it can take up memory.

So, what are the results? You would think that CFFile would run faster, being that the file is in memory. And memory access is usually pretty quick. Well, for the small, 200 record, file, that is correct. Below are the results:
200 RecordsUsing CFFile:
Start:{ts '2006-11-03 10:23:32'}
End:{ts '2006-11-03 10:23:33'}

Using Java FileReader
Start:{ts '2006-11-03 10:23:33'}
End:{ts '2006-11-03 10:23:35'}

Using the Java objects took a second longer. I think that may have to do with the overhead involved with opening and closing the Reader objects. But that would be fairly the same delay on other files, regardless of the size of the file.

Now, for the file with 25,000 records:
25,000 recordsUsing CFFIle:
Start:{ts '2006-11-03 10:47:46'}
End:{ts '2006-11-03 10:47:55'}

Using Java FileReader
Start:{ts '2006-11-03 10:47:55'}
End:{ts '2006-11-03 10:47:59'}

After 25,000 records, the CFFile took 9 seconds, and the Reader objects took 4 seconds. That is quite a difference. So, we ended up using the Java code, and it works well. We did some other mods, like using the <cftry> and <cfcatch> blocks to handle errors gracefully. If this was a full Java approach, I would also use the finally {} block to close the Reader objects. The moral of the story is, we have options.